Monday, 18 January 2016

बवासीर का देशी ( घरेलू ) इलाज- home treatment of the Piles

बवासीर दो तरह का होता है : 
1. अंदरूनी बवासीर- इसमें सूजन को छुआ नहीं जा सकता है, लेकिन इसे महसूस किया जा सकता है. 
2. बाहरी बवासीर- इसमेंसूजन को बाहर से महसूस किया जा सकता है. इसकी पहचानबहुत हीं आसान है. अगर आपको भी मल त्यागते वक्त बहुत दर्द होता है, मलद्वार से खून आता है या खुजलीहोती है, तो आपको बवासीर है. तो आइए कुछ घरेलू कारगर उपाय जानते हैं, जिनसे आप बवासीर से मुक्ति पा सकते हैं.
  • *रात में 100 gram किशमिश पानी में फूलने के लिएछोड़ दें. और फिर सुबह में जिस पानी में किशमिश को फुलाया है, उसी पानी में किशमिश को मसलकर खाएँ. कुछ दिनों तक लगातार इसका उपयोग करना बवासीर मेंअत्यंत लाभ करता है.
  • *.50 gram बड़ी इलायची लीजिए और इसे भून लीजिए. जब यह ठंडी हो जाए, तो इसे अच्छी तरह से पीस लीजिए. और फिर हर दिन सुबह खाली पेट में इसे कुछ दिनों तक नियमित पिएँ. यह आपको बहुत फायदा पहुंचाएगा.
  • *.बवासीर के ऊपर अरंडी का तेल लगाने से राहत मिलती है.
  • *.डेढ़ से दो लीटर मट्ठा लीजिए और इसमें 50 gram जीरा पाउडर और थोड़ा सा नमक मिला लीजिए. और जब-जब आपको प्यास लगे तो पानी की जगह इस मट्ठे को पिएँ. कुछ दिनों तक ऐसा करने से बवासीर का मस्सा कम हो जाता है.
  • *.आम की गुठली के अंदर के भाग, और जामुन की गुठली केअंदर के भाग को सूखा लें. फिर इन दोनों का चूर बनालें. और फिर इस चूर को एक चम्मच हल्के गर्म पानी या मट्ठे के साथ कुछ दिन तक नियमित पिएँ. यह आपको लाभ पहुंचाएगा.
  • *.राजमा, बीन्स, दालें और मटर को अपने दैनिक आहार का हिस्सा बनाएँ.
  • *.फलों के ताजा जूस और सब्जियों के सूप नियमित पिएँ.
  • *.हर दिन सुबह केले का सेवन करें.
  • *.शराब न पिएँ, और चाय था कॉफ़ी का भी कम सेवन करें.
  • *.निम्बू, सेव, संतरा, और दही इत्यादि का सेवन करें.
  • *.हर दिन व्यायाम करें.
  • *.रात में खजूर को फूला लें. और सुबह फूला हुआ खजूर खाएँ. यह पेट को ठीक रखने में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाता है.

गले मे खराश,दर्द ,सूजन के उपचार (In sore throat, pain, inflammation treatment)

1) गुनगुने पानी में नमक मिला कर दिन में दो-तीन बार गरारे करें। गरारे करने के तुरन्त बाद कुछ ठंडा न लें। गुनगुना पानी पिएं जिससे गले को आराममिलेगा।
2) कच्चा सुहागा आधा ग्राम मुंह में रखें और उसका रस चुसते रहें। दो तीन घण्टों मे ही गला बिलकुल साफ हो जाएगा।
3) सोते समय एक ग्राम मुलहठी की छोटी सी गांठ मुख में रखकर कुछ देर चबाते रहे। फिर मुंह में रखकर सो जाए। सुबह तक गला साफ हो जायेगा। मुलहठी चूर्ण को पान के पत्ते में रखकर लिया जाय तो और भी अच्छा रहेगा। इससे सुबह गला खुलने के साथ-साथ गले का दर्द और सूजन भी दूर होती है।
4) रात को सोते समय सात काली मिर्च और उतने ही बताशे चबाकर सो जायें। बताशे न मिलें तो काली मिर्च व मिश्री मुंह में रखकर धीरे-धीरे चूसते रहने से बैठा गला खुल जाता है।

सर्दियों में अधिकतर सिरदर्द क्यों होता है ? (In winter, most headaches is why?)

जब हम ठंडा पानी पीते हैं तो वो पानी हमारे शरीर के लिए किसी आफत से कम नहीं होता । उसे हजम करने के लिए उस पानी को शरीर एक निश्चित तापमान पर लाने की कोशिश करता है ।
यानि उस ठंडे पानी को पहले गर्म करता है गुनगुना पानी जितना गर्म करता है । इस प्रक्रिया के लिए शरीर को एक अतिरिक्त जीवनऊर्जा की आवश्यकता पड़ती है । शरीर की शक्ति खून है
। हमारे पाचन अंग अतिरिक्त खून के लिए शरीर के दूसरे अंगों से मांग करते हैं । क्योंकि सिरसबसे ऊपर होता है और वहाँ से गुरुत्वाकर्षण नियम के अनुसार खून की सप्लाई सहज सुलभ होती है ।जब आप बार बार ठंडा पानी पीते हैं तो सिर में खून की आवश्यक मात्रा की कमीहो जाती है जिसके कारण सिर दर्द होता है ।शरीर के लिए रक्त ( खून ) ही जीवन शक्ति और सम्पूर्ण ऊर्जा है ।
अतः गुनगुना पानी ही पियें ।

Sunday, 10 January 2016

दांतो के लिए घरेलू उपचार (Home Remedies for Teeth Whitening)

Everyone desires sparkling teeth to maintain a young and smart personality. Actually, shining teeth are the secret behind a beautiful smile. But, the fact is that very few people put efforts to maintain the natural whiteness of their teeth. Yellow teeth are a very common problem. There are a number of ways to get rid of yellow teeth. Teeth whitening is the process of restoring the natural colour of teeth. It may also be referred as dental bleaching. In the cosmetic industry, teeth whitening have become the most requested procedure, now-a-days. There are multiple ways for whitening teeth, like brushing, bleaching pen, laser bleaching, and bleaching strips. However, certain home remedies are also available to get whiter teeth.

Causes of Tooth Discoloration

We always think of visiting a dentist to remove yellow stains from teeth, but have we ever wondered how these yellow stains appear on your teeth? Well, there may be various reasons behind it, like:

  •  Chewing tobacco and smoking
  • Drinking tea, coffee, wines, and colas
  • Improper brushing and flossing
  • Advancing age
  • Genetics or natural characteristics
  • Damage by fall disturbs the enamel (trauma)
  • Excessive fluoride levels in water
  • Several treatments, like neck and head radiation, chemotherapy, etc.
  • Use of tetracycline, antihypertensive, antipsychotic, and antihistamines antibiotics
  • Tooth filling


Before using any remedy for teeth whitening, it is better to get acquainted with the symptoms, which cause teeth discoloration. The major symptoms are:

  • Worn away enamel
  • White streaks or brown spots and yellow tints and pits on teeth.
  • Foul smell from mouth
  • Home Remedies for Teeth Whitening

We always try to seek for some professional treatment for whitening our teeth. A lot of money and time is wasted in these medical surgeries and treatments. Instead of spending money in buying teeth whitening products, you can have a sparkling smile just by giving some time to use these natural, easy, and quick home remedies for whitening your teeth. These natural teeth whitening recipes are not only pocket-friendly, but also effective.

 1. Baking Soda

Baking soda is considered to be the best ingredient used for treatment of discoloured teeth. Put two tablespoons of baking soda in a cup of cold water. Stir the solution well. Now use the solution as a whitening solution. Rinse your mouth two or three times a day with this home-made mouthwash. It will reduce the stains for sure.

Instead of preparing a mouthwash, you can also use it as toothpaste. Dilute some baking soda. Scrub your teeth with the diluted soda for a few minutes. Follow this process twice or thrice a week to get glittering teeth.

Note- Excessive use of baking soda can damage your enamel.

2. Lemon

Lemon is known for its immune-boosting power, antibacterial, and healing properties. Lemon is not only used for skin diseases, but also used for whitening teeth. Take out the juice of lemon and mix it with some water. Rinse your mouth with this water.

Else, scrub your teeth directly with lemon peel to make them white.

Another way is to add some salt in a few drops of lemon juice. Apply the mixture on stained teeth. Now, rub toothpaste over your teeth and gums. Leave it for a few minutes. After sometime, rinse your mouth with normal water. Practice it twice a day to prevent teeth from yellow stains.

3. Strawberries

Strawberries are rich in Vitamin C. It acts as a natural cleanser. Take 2-3 strawberries; crush them to form a paste. Rub the paste on your teeth, gently. For best results, practise it two times a day for a few weeks.

You can also add half teaspoon of baking soda in the strawberry paste. Spread it onto your teeth and leave it for a few minutes. After rinsing your mouth thoroughly, brush your teeth with toothpaste to remove the remains.

4. Holy Basil (Tulsi)

Holy basil is also a natural remedy for whitening teeth. It can not only whiten your teeth, but also provide relief from several gum problems, like bleeding gums. Put some basil leaves in direct sun. When it gets dried, crush them to form a powder. Use it for regular brushing.

Alternatively, take some tulsi leaves; crush them and mix with mustard oil. Apply the paste on teeth. Orange peel powder can also be used in place of mustard oil.

5. Apples

Apple helps in increasing the production of saliva. It also helps in maintaining a fresh and clean breath. Eat one apple a day to remove stains from teeth. It is to be kept in mind that apple should be chewed properly in order to extract malic acid. The fibres help in removing the stains.

6. Salt

Salt is the easily available ingredient at home. It is considered to be the best dental cleansing agent for teeth whitening. It helps in refilling the lost minerals of teeth and regain whiteness. Salt can be used as a tooth powder to clean teeth.Salt can also be used with charcoal to whiten teeth.You can also add some salt with baking soda and rub it carefully on teeth to reduce the yellow stains.

 Note- Salt is harmful for gums and enamel. Do not use it roughly.

7. Charcoal

Activated charcoal is used to remove impurities from water. Powerful crystals of charcoal are used for whitening teeth. Mix some charcoal powder with regular toothpaste. Brush with it carefully two times a day.

Instead of charcoal, ashes of burnt rosemary and bread can be also used.

8. Margosa (Neem)

Margosa twigs can be used in the form of toothbrush. Chew branches of margosa for removing yellow stains and prevent teeth problems. It helps in maintaining proper health of teeth. It is known for antiseptic and astringent properties, which help in curing dental cavities and bad breath.

Mix some margosa oil with regular toothpaste. Gently use it to brush your teeth.

9. Orange Peel

Orange peel possesses calcium and Vitamin C, which fights against micro-organisms present in the mouth. It is also effective for whitening the teeth. Rub orange peel directly on teeth, every night.

Dried orange peel powder can also be used in place of fresh orange peel.

10. Hydrogen Peroxide

To get rid to yellow teeth, hydrogen peroxide can be used as an effective remedy. Use a mouthwash, which contains hydrogen peroxide, in order to remove yellow stains from teeth.

Take some baking soda and mix it with little hydrogen peroxide to make a paste. Use this paste for brushing your teeth.

Note- Do not swallow hydrogen peroxide while gargling. You also need to use it with caution to protect teeth from getting sensitive.

11. Banana Peel

Banana is rich in nutrients. In fact, banana peels also possesses minerals, like magnesium, manganese, and potassium. These minerals are helpful in penetrating into teeth and whiten them. Rub the banana peel on teeth for 2 minutes. Leave it for 15 minutes. After that, brush your teeth with normal toothpaste. Repeat this process for two or three times a week.

12. Crunchy Carrots

Raw carrots are a natural cleanser. Chewing raw and crunchy carrots help in clearing plaque from teeth. Carrot helps in maintaining acid-alkaline balance in the mouth, which kills bacteria. Similarly, cucumber, celery, and broccoli also help in whitening the teeth.

13. Raisins

Raisins help in increasing the production of saliva. Raisins should be consumed daily as it helps in scrapping off plaque. It also prevents the formation of plaque.

14. Cheese

It is very strange that cheese can also be used as teeth whitening element. According to various researched sources, consuming a piece of cheese after meal helps to promote teeth re-mineralization and prevent teeth decay.

15. Milk and Yogurt

Milk and yogurt are rich in phosphorus and calcium. These minerals help in promoting re-mineralization of tooth enamel. They help in maintaining cavity-free and sparkling teeth.

16. Sugar-free Gum

Sugar-free gums, made with Xylitol, are also used for whitening teeth. According to a research, Xylitol is a natural sweetener, which fights against plaque and helps in reducing bacteria in the mouth. It also increases the production of saliva and neutralizes pH levels in the mouth.

17. Oil Pulling

Oil pulling is basically used to improve the oral health. Take one tablespoon of oil (sesame, coconut, sunflower, or olive). Rub it gently on teeth for 20 minutes. After rubbing, rinse your mouth. You can also gargle with oil to cover all corners of your mouth. After that, spit out the oil and rinse your mouth with clean water.

18. Banyan Roots

Roots of the banyan tree are also used for whitening teeth. The aerial roots of the banyan tree act as a disposable toothbrush. You are required to chew the roots of the banyan tree. These roots possess astringent properties, which are helpful to whiten the teeth.

19. Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits help in generating saliva, which helps in whitening the teeth in a natural way. Lemon, pineapple, and oranges are some of the common citrus fruits.

Note: Over consumption of citrus fruits can damage the tooth enamel.

20. Brush and Floss

Regular brushing and flossing of teeth is important for good oral hygiene. Flossing helps in maintaining healthy gums. Dentists have recommended flossing to be a significant activity for protecting your teeth from staining. You are required to floss two times a day to prevent teeth discoloration.

21. Bay Leaves

Take some dried bay leaves. Crush them and mix with an equal amount of dried orange peel powder. Add some water to make a paste. Rub the paste directly on the teeth. You can also use this mixture in dry form.

22. Apple Cider Vinegar

To brighten up your smile, you can use apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is used not only as a whitener, but also to kill germs, affecting the teeth. To whiten your teeth, start gargling with apple cider vinegar.

Note: Do not use it frequently; otherwise, it may damage your enamel.

23. Dark Chocolates

Here is an interesting fact for chocolate lovers. Dark chocolates are effective for whitening your teeth. These are rich in theobromine, a substance which helps to harden and whiten the surface of teeth.

24. Whitening Strips

One of the most easiest and convenient methods to prevent teeth discoloration is to use teeth whitening strips. These strips are very thin and coated with peroxide gel. They are easily available in the market. You are required to wear it for a few minutes in a day. If it is used continuously for a few days, effective results are visible.

25. Alcohol-free Mouthwash

No doubt, mouthwash helps in cleaning the mouth, but, most of the mouthwashes available in the market have excessive alcohol. Alcohol can dry out the tissues in the mouth and attracts bacteria. According to some studies, alcohol can increase the risk of oral cancer. So, be careful while selecting a mouthwash! Always pick an alcohol-free mouthwash.

26. Peelu Plant Fibres

Powder of peelu plant fibres can be used in the form of toothpaste. This non-abrasive powder helps in natural whitening of teeth.

27. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is also considered to be effective teeth whitening solution. It fights against the infecting bacteria and acts as a cleansing material. It is effective against cavities and root canals. For its usage, you have to mix aloe vera with vegetable glycerine to form a paste. Add some baking soda to it. Use the paste for cleaning the teeth.

28. Turmeric

Turmeric is also used as teeth whitening agent. Take some turmeric and roast it. Crush it into powder and add some salt and lime juice to it. This mixture can be used for whitening the teeth. It also keeps the gums healthier.

29. Rinsing the Mouth

It is one of the most ignored home teeth whitening remedies. A proper rinsing of mouth helps in cleaning the mouth effectively. Rinsing helps in preventing teeth from discolouration due to caffeinated drinks and sugar sodas. One should immediately gargle or swish mouth with water to remove the residual food.

Other Remedies

Apart from these simple and quick home remedies for teeth whitening, some other treatments and ready-to-use tools and kits are available in the market to whiten your teeth. Take a look:

1. Ultrasonic Cleaning : In this method, ultrasonic vibrations are used to remove the stains from teeth. However, it will not change the colour of your teeth, but reduces the teeth staining, resulted from building-up of calculus.

2. Dental Veneers : These are wafer-like coverings for teeth. They are made of porcelain and are cemented on teeth. They are effective against teeth discolouration as well as crooked or broken teeth.

3. Laser Teeth Whitening : In this method, a peroxide gel is used to lighten the teeth. A gel is applied on teeth. With the help of a laser, teeth whitening agents are made activated, which restore the brightness of your teeth.

4. Teeth Whitening Pens : These pens consist of a whitening gel. You just require applying this pen on your teeth, after brushing properly. Leave it for two-three minutes. Then, wash off your mouth with water. For the best results, use it continuously for 2 weeks.

5. Magic Erasers : Magic erasers are used to clean and whiten the teeth. But, are they really effective? Well, some people do not prefer it because it damages the enamel.

Preventive Measures

Discolouration of the teeth can be prevented to a great extent by following the below given measures.

  • Use a straw to consume drinks. It will reduce the exposure of the teeth to staining beverages, like coffee, fruit juices, etc. It will directly pass the drink to your throat, rather affecting the teeth.
  • Drink a cup of tea every day as it is rich in fluorides, which fights against the harmful bacteria and stops the production of a type of sugar that results in cavities. But, avoid drinking too much tea.
  • Brush your teeth gently. Do not apply force for removing plaque.
  • Avoid smoking, red wines, black tea, etc.
  • Replace your toothbrush on a regular basis.
  • Use water floss to prevent teeth decay.
  • Include fibrous food in your diet.

इलायची के स्वास्थ्य लाभ (Health Benefits of Cardamom)

For those of you who still haven’t heard of this wonderful spice, cardamom is that awesome and intriguing flavor most associated with Indian and Oriental sweets, but which can also be found in plenty of savory dishes as well. You’ve surely had it at least once in an Indian take-away box or in your chai latte drink from your favorite coffee shop. Sometimes also spelled cardamom (though most of the world prefers the  cardamom name), this spice is made of the ground seeds of several plants, mainly from the family of Zingiberaceae (a family of plants which also gave us ginger). The most common types are green cardamom and black (or dark brown) cardamom; culinary experts around the globe usually prefer using the green variety for the more intense and floral-toned flavor that accompanies it. Black cardamom is slightly more smoky (but not bitter), with a subtle mint-like refreshing tone.

Traditionally found in India, cardamom is produced by countries such as Guatemala (which began planting it sometime before World War I) and, more recently, Sri Lanka as well. Mixed with boiling water and sugar, it produces a flavor-infused syrup which is absolutely irresistible to dunk Indian and Turkish sweets in (you can also try it with fritters or any kind, or to be poured over baklava cakes or cheesecakes). The world surely loves it, considering that today, cardamom is the third most expensive spice on the global market, right after saffron and vanilla. But beyond its pleasant taste qualities, you should also know that the health benefits of cardamom make it a spice everyone should use if they get the chance, so don’t hesitate and try it as soon as possible. Not only will you have made your drink or food richer and perfumed, but you will have also given your body plenty of powerful substances to help it fight a whole number of dangers to its well-being. Here’s what you need to know.

 Common Uses of Cardamom:

Most commonly and without any effort, cardamom can be simply added to your cup of coffee or tea while the drink is still hot (provided you use ground cardamom). This kind of drink is known as an Arabic coffee (some coffee retailers sometimes even sell their ground coffee already mixed with cardamom – it sure smells divine) or as Kashmiri chai (when you add the spice to your sweetened tea, with a bit of milk as well). If the prospect of cooking anything scares you, then this is the surest-fire way to add plenty of cardamom to your diet without much fuss.

Other easy ways to consume cardamom is to use the whole seeds whenever you boil milk for rice puddings or oat puddings (just as you would add a whole vanilla bean to the liquid), or to add half a teaspoon of the ground spice to any hearty stew which contains a spicy red or brown sauce. Almost any kind of meat and vegetables would benefit from the flavor of cardamom, making both your meal more interesting and your body fortified.

Beyond its traditional use in Indian sweet and savory foods and in Arabic coffee, cardamom has also been traditionally used in the baking of Nordic (Scandinavian) countries, particularly in Sweden and Finland where it wouldn’t be Christmas without some cardamom-spiced cream puffs or braided sweet breads. Another traditional use for cardamom is in the making of most Thai curry pastes (including the green and red types you can find in your medium-sized supermarkets and up), in making gin, or even in extracting color from it to be used afterwards as a fabric dye (in some parts of India and South Asia).

Health Benefits of Cardamom:
  • As for the health benefits of cardamom, these range from the immediate and cosmetic to the deeply fortifying, long-term kind of effects. Here is a list of these benefits you too can enjoy:

  • Cardamom is a breath refresher – Traditionally used as a breath refresher in India and China, the spice was even included in a special flavor blend launched by Wrigley’s a while back, named Eclipse Breeze Exotic Mint, advertised to be able to fight even the most persistent bad breath odors.

  • Cardamom has mild antiseptic properties for teeth and gums – Again in Asian folk medicine, cardamom has been used for hundreds of years for alleviating the symptoms of tooth and gum infections. Simply ingesting a daily drink with at least half a teaspoon of ground cardamom added is enough to access the antiseptic properties of this wonder spice.

  • Cardamom can aid with a sore throat, lung problems, the common cold and coughs – Basically, whenever you feel that you’re coming down with something and it’s affecting your breathing, you can count on the same wonderful antiseptic and decongesting properties of cardamom to alleviate your discomfort. It has been known to work even against tuberculosis, in its initial stages at least. Warm drinks spiced with cardamom and at least one session of inhaling their steam should do the trick.

  • Cardamom is effective in stimulating and normalizing digestion – Regularly eating cardamom in your food or simply adding it to your tea whenever you suffer from a particular digestive problem has proven to be effective against any of the following: stomach pain and general stomach problems, heartburn, constipation, dysentery, IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), intestinal gas and for the loss of appetite. Children are particularly susceptible to the effect of appetite revival if stimulated with a bit of cardamom, so that’s probably great news for the parents of picky eaters.

  • Cardamom is also a diuretic, so it detoxifies and stimulates kidney function and relieves urinary tract infections – If you feel any problems in that area, just drink plenty of liquids and spice them generously with cardamom; then, just wait for your body to do the rest of the work. The more cardamom-infused liquid will pass through your system, the better you will feel.

  • Cardamom can also treat mild inflammations such as pink eye or mild cases of joint pain. If you ingest it regularly, the anti-septic properties of the spice should do their job from inside the body and reduce the overall inflammation in your system.

  • Cardamom can be effective in treating and preventing liver stones and gall bladder stones – Its urinary tract and digestive system stimulating properties, along with its mild anti-inflammatory properties make it an ideal adjuvant in the treatment of liver and bladder stones. Chinese traditional medicine boasts of successfully using cardamom for these problems for hundreds of years.

  • Cardamom lowers cholesterol and prevents coronary heart disease – The detoxifying and diuretic effects of the cardamom also help this spice become a blessing to your bloodstream and thus to your heart, which will deal with less cholesterol and will be able to function easier as a consequence. It is also known to prevent the formation of blood clots and to help fluidize the blood.

  • Cardamom has anti-oxidant and cancer-prevention properties – Last, but not least, cardamom also has wonderful anti-oxidant properties, which makes it a powerful ally in fighting skin ageing and the overall ageing of the body, as well as degenerative diseases and tumors. It also prevents cancer and many other similar diseases.

Dosage and Precautions:

If you’re wondering about the best way in which you can achieve all the wonderful health benefits of cardamom, listed above, then you’re probably also wondering about the dosage. We’ve already stated that cardamom can be simply added to drinks and food to obtain its benefits, but since many of its properties are derived from its essential oils (which can go up to 8% of the total spice weight, provided you bought the quality stuff), there is the danger of over-dosage as well. Essential oils can be both highly beneficial to the human body and dangerous as well once a certain threshold is exceeded. The limit varies from plant to plant, and the only known side effect of cardamom is the triggering of gall bladder spasms (and pain) when a suffering person eats too much of the spice. Also, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, perhaps you should talk to your doctor or naturopath before engaging in any serious cardamom-based diet plan, to make sure you don’t allow the spice to interfere with the baby’s well-being. But other than these two specific cases, everyone should be cleared to benefit from the qualities of this delicious spice.

Since there aren’t yet any precise scientific measurements regarding the ideal dose of cardamom to be used when treating the various illnesses it can treat, we would recommend anyone interested in using this spice to not go over the regular food content dosage one could normally find in a typical traditional diet from India or Asia. That means you can add ½ of a teaspoon in a drink or a serving of food, and you shouldn’t have more than three such servings a day. Overall, at the end of the day, if you try to keep the total amount of ingested spice to 1 and ½ teaspoons of ground spice, all should be pretty far from any dangerous amount, and the wonderful health benefits of cardamom will work their magic.

Saturday, 9 January 2016

कब्ज से छुटकारा पाने के घरेलू उपचार (Home Remedies to Get Rid of Constipation)

Constipation is a general problem among people. It is a condition of less frequency in the excretion of bowel from the body. It mostly occurs due to less water content in the digestive system. It can be chronic or acute. Constipation can be really troublesome if the problem persists for a longer period of time. But, it can be treated easily with some home remedies that work best in order to cure this problem.


 The causes of constipation are:

  • Improper intake of fiber-rich foods
  • Inadequate intake of water and other fluids
  • Irregular habits of defecation
  • Excess intake of dairy products
  • Traveling, which causes disruption in the regular diet
  • Stress
  • Eating disorders
  • Less physical activity
  • Over-use of stool-softeners or laxatives
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Parkinson’s disease or multiple sclerosis
  • Too much intake of strong pain relievers or other drugs
  • Pregnancy
  • Colon cancer


If you are experiencing the following symptoms, it indicates that you are prone to constipation.

  • Difficulty in having a bowel movement
  • Hard faeces
  • Heart burn
  • Abdominal pain
  • Straining when passing a stool
  • Swelling in the abdomen
  • Intestinal pain
  • Vomiting
  • Sensation of fullness after a bowel movement
  • Home Remedies for Constipation

1. Lemon Juice

Just add a teaspoon of lemon juice in a glass of lukewarm water with a pinch of salt, and drink it on an empty stomach after waking up in the morning. Lemon is a natural cleansing agent for the intestines, whereas salt facilitates the smooth passage for stools.

2. Amla Powder

This is a great home remedy to cure constipation. Amla really works well in improving the digestion as it is a natural laxative. Have a teaspoon of amla powder along with a glass of lukewarm water. Take this mixture before taking breakfast in the morning or before going to bed at night.

3. Olive Oil

Mix a tablespoon of olive oil with a teaspoon of lemon juice and have it regularly in order to get relief from constipation. Olive oil is a good home remedy to take for constipation as it helps in stimulating the digestive system while improving the bowel movements.

4. Raisins

Soak some raisins in water for a night and have them the next morning on an empty stomach. Raisins are rich in fiber as well as they also act as laxatives. Raisins are especially useful during pregnancy as they don’t have any side effects. You can also eat grapes to avoid constipation.

5. Castor Oil

Add a tablespoon of castor oil into a glass of warm milk. Drink it before going to bed at night. Castor oil is one of the most effective home remedies for constipation in adults.

You can also simply swallow 1-2 tsp of castor oil in the morning on an empty stomach, followed by plenty of water. This remedy will provide you immense improvement.

6. Blackstrap Molasses

Blackstrap molasses are one of the easiest methods that cure constipation. Mix 1-2 teaspoons of blackstrap molasses in a cup of lukewarm water and drink this mixture. It is rich in certain vitamins and minerals, especially magnesium, and therefore, gives relief from constipation.

7. Figs

Take a few figs and boil them in some milk. Take this mixture before sleeping at night. You need to make sure that you warm the mixture before drinking.

8. Coffee

Coffee contains caffeine, which is proved to be a natural stimulant for the digestive system. Therefore, sipping a cup of coffee every day gives you relief from chronic constipation.

9. Guavas

Guava seeds are very effective in treating constipation as they have high fiber content. This is one of the fast home remedies used for constipation.

10. Aloe Vera

Take 2 tablespoons of fresh aloe vera gel and mix it in fruit juice. Drink this mixture in order to get rid of constipation. Aloe vera is highly laxative, and therefore, gives instant relief from bad constipation.

Note- Aloe vera should be used with caution as it can also cause diarrhea.

11. Spinach

This is one of the best home remedies for constipation as it helps in cleaning up the intestinal passage. Drink 100 ml of spinach juice mixed with equal parts of water. Drink it at least 2 times a day. Else, eat it either cooked or raw.

12. Baking Soda

Baking soda is good for treating constipation as it is bicarbonate and also gives relief from stomach ache. Mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda in ¼ cup of lukewarm water. Drink this mixture to get relief from constipation.

13. Oranges

Eat at least 2 oranges in a day. Oranges are a great source of Vitamin C and rich in fiber too. Therefore, it can give respite from constipation.

14. Cabbage

Include cabbage in your regular diet. Cabbage is rich in fiber, and so, helps in cleaning the intestine. You can also try cabbage juice.

15. Hot Milk with Ghee

Add a spoon of pure ghee to a glass of hot milk and drink it before you go to bed at night. This is a proven old remedy for treating constipation.

16. Isabgol

 Mix a spoonful of isabgol in warm water and drink it. Isabgol is a useful home remedy to treat the problem of bad constipation.

17. Prune Juice

Prune juice is another home remedy to get fast relief from constipation. Prune is highly laxative and rich in fiber, therefore, it helps to relieve constipation quickly. Have a glass of prune juice in the morning and drink another glass at night to get instant relief from constipation.

To give your infant relief from constipation, fill your baby’s feeding bottle with water, leaving 3/4th of it empty. Now, put prune juice to fill the remaining space in the bottle. This is one of the good home remedies for infant constipation.

18. Dandelion Tea

A cup of dandelion tea will keep you away from the problem of constipation. Dandelion is laxative in nature and a good detoxifying agent, and therefore, gives relief from constipation.

19. Figs (Anjeer)

Take few figs and boil them in a glass of milk. Drink it warm at night, before going to bed. This remedy will definitely provide you relief from constipation.

20. Beans

Beans, like garbanzo beans, navy beans, black beans, lima beans and red beans are a good source of fibers and help in eliminating the problem of constipation.

Note- To prevent gassiness, cook beans properly.

21. Sesame Seeds

Eat ½ ounce of sesame seeds on the daily basis to make elimination easier. Don’t forget to drink plenty of water. You can also sprinkle them on your food or salad.

Note- Don’t consume more than ½ ounce of sesame seeds on the daily basis.

22. Epsom Salt

Take 1 cup of fruit juice or water and add 2 tsp of Epsom salt to it. Stir well and drink it. Take another dose, if there is no indication of bowel movement within 4 hours.

Note- Give only ½ tsp to children.

23. Yoghurt

The probiotics present in the yoghurt also aids in improving the digestive system while helping out the good bacteria present in our body. So, have at least 1 cup of yoghurt every day in order to keep your intestinal tract clean and get rid of hard stools.

24. Ginger Tea

Ginger tea is good for treating constipation.

25. Bael Fruit

Bael fruit is regarded as one of the best remedies for curing constipation as it is an excellent laxative and cleans up the intestine completely. Its regular usage will throw away the digestion problems. Only 60 grams of bael fruit is sufficient for an adult.

26. Papaya

Papaya is also a natural laxative, and therefore, helps in constipation.

27. Pear

Eat a pear every day. It will help you to remove constipation problem.

28. Hot Water

Drinking a glass of hot water daily is a good home remedy to do for constipation.

29. Linseed

Swallow a teaspoon of linseed along with water before having meals. Linseed works quite well for reducing constipation.

30. Apple Juice

Drink apple juice at least 2-3 times a day in order to get relief from constipation.

31. Coconut

Coconut is highly laxative. Drink coconut water or coconut milk to relieve constipation. Coconut oil also works wonder for constipation. You can use coconut oil for cooking food.

32. Flaxseeds

It is one of the best solutions for constipation. Have some flaxseeds along with lukewarm water in the morning. Flaxseeds are rich in fiber content, and hence, help a lot in curing the constipation.

33. Senna

Senna is highly laxative and is one of the top home remedies for constipation. But, it should be used in limited content as it can also cause cramping.

34. Fenugreek

Soak some fenugreek seeds in water for a night. Drink this water, the next morning. It will help ease up the constipation. It’s also an effective herbal remedy.

35. Homemade Herbal Mixture

Mix together few flaxseeds, 2-3 sunflower seeds, few sesame seeds, and some almonds. Grind them into a fine powder. A tablespoon of this mixture daily will help in getting relief from constipation.

36. Psyllium Seeds

Psyllium seeds are also very helpful for treating constipation.

37. Cascara Bark

It is a mild stimulating herb, which gives relief from constipation.

38. Warm Water Bath

Give your baby a soothing and warm water bath. Add some baking soda to the warm water. Let your baby soak in this water for about 10 minutes. It is a good baby constipation remedy.

39. Exercise or Physical Activity

Exercise daily or keep doing a little bit of physical activity every day as this also helps in improving the regular bowel movement.

40. Milk of Magnesia

Mix a teaspoon of milk of magnesia to your infant’s bottle of milk. Now, feed this milk to your baby. Do this twice a day in order to cure the constipation.

41. Karo Syrup

Mix a teaspoon of Karo Syrup to your baby’s milk. This is one of the most effective constipation remedies for newborns.

42. Glycerine Suppositories

Place glycerine suppositories into your baby’s anus, if he/she is suffering from chronic constipation.

43. Vaseline

You can also rub Vaseline on your baby’s anus to help ease out the constipation.

Homeopathic Remedies for Constipation in Adults

Here are the mostly used homeopathic remedies for curing constipation in adults.

1. Argentum nitricum : This remedy is useful if constipation occurs due to the overuse of laxatives.

2. Bryonia : It is helpful to treat constipation, caused due to indigestion.

3. Nux vomica : It is helpful in treating spasmodic constipation, bloating as well as tummy cramps.

4. Vaccinum vitis idaea : It is useful in treating insufficient mucous secretion of the intestine in adults as well as adolescents.

5. Lycopodium : It is useful to treat constipation in infants and children.

Other homeopathic remedies for constipation are Baryta carbonica, Collinsonia, Graphites, Silicea, Hepar sulphur, and Chelidonium.

Preventive Measures to Avoid Constipation

  1. Drink lots of water.
  2. Eat fibre-rich diet, including grains, beans, fruits and vegetables.
  3. Do exercise regularly.
  4. Avoid caffeinated drinks.
  5. Avoid overeating.
  6. Avoid overuse of laxatives.
  7. Practice meditation to get rid of stress.
  8. Avoid usage of Pepto Bismol (an over-the-counter drug) as it also causes constipation.

दाद के लिए घरेलू उपचार

दाद- खाज हो जाएगा जड़ से साफ

स्कीन से जुड़ी बीमारियां भी कई बार गंभीर समस्या बन जाती है। ऐसी ही एक समस्या है एक्जीमा या दाद  पर होने वाली खुजली और जलन दाद से पीडि़त व्यक्ति का जीना मुश्किल कर देती है। अगर आपके साथ भी कुछ ऐसा ही है तो अपनाएं ये आयुर्वेदिक टिप्स

  •  दाद पर अनार के पत्तों को पीसकर लगाने से लाभ होता है।
  •  दाद को खुजला कर दिन में चार बार नींबू का रस लगाने से दाद ठीक हो जाते हैं।
  •  केले के गुदे में नींबू का रस लगाने से दाद ठीक हो जाता है।
  •  चर्म रोग में रोज बथुआ उबालकर निचोड़कर इसका रस पीएं और सब्जी खाएं। 
  •  गाजर का बुरादा बारीक टुकड़े कर लें। इसमें सेंधा नमक डालकर सेंके और फिर गर्म-गर्म दाद पर डाल दें। 
  •  कच्चे आलू का रस पीएं इससे दाद ठीक हो जाते हैं।
  •  नींबू के रस में सूखे सिंघाड़े को घिस कर लगाएं। पहले तो कुछ जलन होगी फिर ठंडक मिल जाएगी, कुछ दिन बाद इसे लगाने से दाद ठीक हो जाता है।
  •  हल्दी तीन बार दिन में एक बार रात को सोते समय हल्दी का लेप करते रहने से दाद ठीक हो जाता है।
  •  दाद होने पर गर्म पानी में अजवाइन पीसकर लेप करें। एक सप्ताह में ठीक हो जाएगा। 
  •  अजवाइन को पानी में मिलाकर दाद धोएं।
  •  दाद में नीम के पत्तों का १२ ग्राम रोज पीना चाहिए। 
  •  दाद होने पर गुलकंद और दूध पीने से फायदा होगा।
  •  नीम के पत्ती को दही के साथ पीसकर लगाने से दाद जड़ से साफ हो जाते है।

Home Remedies for Ringworm (दाद के लिए घरेलू उपचार)

What is Ringworm?

It is a fungal infection that mostly occurs in the form of red circular patches on the skin. Though, ringworms are not dangerous, but it can be really irritating as they are itchy in nature. It is highly contagious and takes time to get healed up. Ringworms usually occur on the scalp, feet, legs, hands, and nails or places where we normally sweat. Commonly it is known as ‘tinea’, and in medical terms, it is called as ‘dermatophytosis’. Ringworm may occur to both- children of more than 2 years of age and adults. There are many homemade treatments for ringworm in people that can be applied to cure this problem, but, before this, let’s see what are its causes and symptoms.


Ringworm may be caused due to several reasons, like:
  • Direct skin-to-skin contact with an infected person. You can even get an infection if any part of your body is already infected.
  • It also spreads through animals. Pets, like cats, dogs, horses, goats and pigs are the carriers of the fungus, through which the infection spreads.
  • Sometimes, infection can also spread through contaminated soil. Due to lack of proper nutrients in the soil, the fungus multiplies, thus leading to an infection.
  • Ringworm also spreads through public pools and showers.


Ringworms are round-shaped red patches on the skin. There could be several patches or even a single patch on the skin. Ringworms that occur on the scalp are known as ‘tinea capitis’. Its symptoms are as follows:
  • Itching
  • Loss of hair in patches
  • Scaling
  • Crusting
  • Sores filled with pus
  • When the condition is severe, it may develop a large portion of pus called, keroin. It may result in fever and swelling of lymph nodes.
The symptoms of body ringworm are:
  • Red circular rashes
  • Irritation and itchiness
  • In case of severe ringworm, the ring may grow bigger or multiple rings can develop around it. Sometimes, pus is also formed around the ringworm.

Home Remedies for Ringworm

How to get rid of ringworm fast at home? Well, you can heal the problem with the ingredients, available in your kitchen. Some of the home remedies to cure ringworm are:
1. Tea Tree Oil
This is one of the best herbal remedies for ringworm. Dilute tree tea oil by adding an equal amount of water to it. Apply this solution two times in a day. The ringworm will completely subside in a few weeks. Tea tree oil is an excellent anti-fungal and anti-bacterial and largely used to treat minor cuts and bruises, infections and burns.
2. Apple Cider Vinegar
Soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and gently pat it on the ringworm. Repeat this for 3-5 times every day for at least three days.
3. Garlic
Garlic is one of the best ringworm treatments. Crush 2-3 cloves of garlic and place it on the affected area, covering it with a bandage. Keep it for one whole night or one full day. Its antiseptic properties will kill the ringworms.
4. Salt and Vinegar
Mix some salt in vinegar and apply this mixture on the ringworm. Leave it for 5 minutes and then, wash it. It will take at least a week to remove the ringworm from the skin with this remedy.
5. Raw Papaya
Raw papaya is a good ringworm treatment for humans. Cut a slice of raw papaya and rub it on the ringworm. This is one of the best ringworm cures as papaya contains enzymes that quickly heal the infection.
6. Turmeric
Apply fresh turmeric juice on the ringworm affected area. You can also make a paste by mixing turmeric and water. Turmeric is a good antibiotic and is a good home remedy for ringworm in children.
7. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is an effective remedy to treat various skin problems, and similarly, it helps in healing ringworm too. Just apply fresh aloe vera gel on the area, affected with ringworm. Regular use will naturally remove the ringworm in a few days.
8. Lemongrass Tea
Drink lemongrass tea at least thrice a day. It greatly helps to heal the ringworm. You can also apply the used teabags on the area, affected with ringworm.
9. Lavender Oil
Apply lavender oil on the infected area. It has antifungal properties that quickly heal the ringworm. It is a good home remedy for ringworm on body.
10. Mustard Seeds
Grind some mustard seeds and mix it in a little water to make a paste. Now, apply it regularly on the ringworm, until it heals completely.
11. Colloidal Silver
It is a good antibiotic and gives quick relief from ringworm infection. Apply topically either a gel or spray of colloidal silver on the ringworm at least 2 times a day, until it completely vanishes.
12. Goldenseal
Prepare tea of goldenseal herb and apply it on the affected area, using a cotton ball. You can also pour 4-5 drops of tincture in your juice, and sip it thrice a day. Goldenseal has anti-fungal properties and gives relief from the problem of the ringworms.
13. Myrrh
Make a paste by mixing equal amounts of myrrh and goldenseal powder in some water, and apply it on the ringworm. Myrrh is a good anti-fungal agent.
14. Holy Basil Leaves
Crush some holy basil leaves and apply its juice on the affected skin at least 2-3 times per day, till the ringworm is totally healed.
15. Olive Leaf
Olive leaf extract has good anti-fungal properties and helps in boosting up the immune system. Take 250 mg of olive leaf extract at least thrice a day.
16. Licorice
Boil 6 teaspoons of licorice root powder in a cup of water for about 20 minutes. Strain it and let it cool for some time. Apply the solution to the area, affected with ringworm, at least thrice in a day. Licorice has around 25 fungicidal substances and effectively removes the ringworm.
17. Ginger Tea
Boil 2 ounces of fresh ginger root in 8 ounces of water and apply the tea using cotton, at least 3 times a day. You can also drink it thrice a day. Ginger contains about 20 anti-fungal compounds, and therefore, kills ringworm infections.
18. Calendula
Apply calendula cream on the ringworm. Repeat this at least 2-3 times a day in order to get permanent relief.
19. Vegetable Juice
Combine 300 ml of carrot juice and 200 ml of spinach juice. Drink it daily. It will help in healing the infection from within.
20. Chamomile Tea
Apply chamomile tea on the ringworm infected area. This helps to remove the infection in a few days.
21. Honey
Mix honey with beeswax and olive oil. This mixture is the best cure for ringworm on the body.
22. Nail Polish Remover
Soak a cotton swab in nail polish remover. Then, put it on the ringworm patch for at least 5-8 minutes. Though, this remedy sounds odd, but in actual, it’s a good remedy.
23. Try Over-the-counter Products
There are many over-the-counter cures available in the market, such as Selsun Blue shampoo, which you can use for ringworm treatment. Selsun Blue shampoo can be applied topically to treat ringworms. It contains aloe vera extract and other moisturising agents that help in curing ringworms. Other over-the-counter treatments can also be used for ringworm treatment for adults, such as Ketoconazole, Mycelex, Miconazole, and Lotrimin.
Another over-the-counter treatment for ringworm is Blue Star ointment. You just need to apply a thin layer of this cream over the area, affected with ringworm. Apply this daily for at least 2-3 times a day. This is one of the best ringworm treatments as it gives a quick relief in just 3 days. However, it is recommended that it must be applied continuously for a week in order to prevent the infection from getting back again.
Note- For children and adults, who have sensitive skin, the cream should be diluted by mixing one part of petroleum jelly into it.

Homeopathic Remedies for Ringworm

A homeopathic combo of Tellurium Metallicum and Sepia is available in the market for treating ringworm. It gives relief from the symptoms, associated with ringworm. Directions to use and warnings are provided on the package.
Other effective homeopathic treatments for ringworm are Rhus Toxicodendron, Calcaria Carb, Apis Mel, Bacillinum, etc.

Preventive Measures

You can prevent ringworms from surfacing by following the below given preventive measures:
  • Avoid getting into contact with people and pets, who are suffering from ringworm.
  • Take a bath every day as this helps in removing germs and bacteria from the body.
  • If you are prone to skin infections, avoid using public swimming pools.
  • Wash your bedding and clothes regularly in order to prevent any sort of infection.
  • Don’t don tight fitting clothes on the affected area.
  • Wear cotton clothes.
  • Avoid sharing personal items, like razors, towel, combs, etc. with the infected person.

Home Remedies for Poison Ivy (ज़हर आइवी के लिए घरेलू उपचार)

Poison ivy is a very common skin allergy, caused due to plants, such as poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac. These plants release a sticky and oily substance, called ‘urushiol’, which is an allergen. It develops red and itchy rashes on the skin in around 12 to 48 hours of its exposure. The severity of the rashes depends on the quantity of urushiol that your skin gets touched with. Poison ivy can be really itchy and irritating. The blisters can be in the form of lines, or small bumps filled with a fluid-like thing. It is very easy to catch a poison ivy rash, though it is not contagious. Therefore, it needs to be treated as soon as possible.


The main cause of poison ivy is an oily substance ‘urushiol’ found in plants, like poison ivy, poison sumac and poison oak. It is an allergen, which is present in almost every part of these plants, like leaves, stem, flowers, fruits and even roots. It may spread due to:
  • Direct contact with the leaves, flowers or any other part of the plant.
  • Indirect contact with the clothes or any other equipment that are contaminated with the oil.
  • Even the smoke released due to the burning of these plants can cause the allergy.


  • Redness
  • Itchiness
  • Bumpy blisters filled with fluid
  • Raised areas (hives)
  • Swelling in the area

Home Remedies for Poison Ivy

1. Wash the Area with Cold Water
Keep the area affected with poison ivy rashes under cold water for about 10-15 minutes. This will give an instant relief from the itchiness till you apply any remedy while it will also clean the area.
2. Apple Cider Vinegar
Dab a cotton ball into some apple cider vinegar and apply it on the rashes. Now, rinse it off with a mixture of vinegar and water.
3. Rubbing Alcohol
To treat severe poison ivy rash, rub some rubbing alcohol and then, sprinkle some medicated body powder on the area. Now, wrap it with a clean cloth or gauze. It will give relief from itchiness.
4. Witch Hazel
Witch hazel is another home remedy to treat poison ivy. Soak a cotton ball in witch hazel and apply it on the rashes.
5. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is one of the best ways to get rid of poison ivy as it is really soothing to treat skin allergies. Apply fresh aloe vera gel on the blisters. Aloe vera is a natural healer due to its excellent anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, and therefore, good for treating poison ivy on face.
6. Vinegar Compress
Take ½ cup of white vinegar and mix it with 1½ cups of water. Cool down this solution in the refrigerator for some time. Now, dampen a piece of cloth in this solution and place it over the area, affected with poison ivy rashes. It is one of the best ways to heal poison ivy.
7. Apply banana peel
Banana peel is also a good cure for poison ivy. In order to get relief from the itchiness caused due to the rash, rub the inside part of the banana peel on it.
8. Calamine Lotion
Apply calamine lotion on the rashes. It is a good remedy to get relief from the itchiness and to dry up poison ivy.
9. Tea Bag
It is one of the good poison ivy cures that work. Soak a tea bag in plain water and place it on the rash. Tea contains tannic acid, which is a good astringent and quickly relieves from itching and inflammation, caused due to the poison ivy.
10. Apply Coffee
Brew a cup of coffee and let it cool for some time. Dab some on the skin, affected with the rash. Coffee gives relief from inflammation as it contains anti-inflammatory agents, like chlorogenic acid. It is a good way to get rid of poison ivy on your skin.
11. Plantain Leaves
Pick some plantain (lawn weed) leaves and place it as a bandage on the rashes. It contains an anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial compound, called allantoin, which is good for poison ivy rashes.
12. Baking Soda
Make a paste of baking soda and water in the ratio 3:1. Apply this paste on the rashes and let it dry. Apply this paste at least twice or thrice a day. Baking soda is one of the best treatments for poison ivy.
13. Epsom Salt Bath
Put some Epsom salt in a bath tub, containing water. Soak yourself for some time in this water. Epsom salt is a good poison ivy blisters treatment as it quickly dries out the rashes.
14. Cold Milk
Apply some cold milk to get relief from the itchiness of poison ivy rashes. This remedy also helps in drawing out the fluid from the poison ivy blisters. If you are allergic to milk, you can also apply buttermilk or yoghurt
15. Cucumber
Grate a cucumber and apply it on the skin, impinged with the rashes. Cucumber is good for skin and will naturally soothe the blister.
16. Oatmeal Bath
Grind some oatmeal and put it in a bucket, filled with lukewarm water. Have bath with this water. Oatmeal is one of the best natural remedies as it dries up poison ivy, as well as gives relief from poison ivy itch.
17. Potato
Potato is an anti-inflammatory, and therefore, it is one of the most effective home remedies to heal poison ivy. Blend a potato to form its paste. Then, apply it over the area, affected with poison ivy rashes.
18. Vodka
You can also apply vodka in order to neutralize the effect of poison ivy blisters.
19. Acorn
Crack some acorns and boil them. After some time, strain this solution and dab it with a piece of cloth on the itchy rashes. Acorns give relief from the prickliness, resulted due to poison ivy.
20. Lemon Juice
Lemon juice is useful for removing the toxins, present in any type of skin infection. Soak a cotton ball in lemon juice and apply it on the rashes. Lemon is a natural astringent, and greatly helps in healing the poison ivy blisters.
21. Watermelon Rind
Apply cold watermelon rind on the area. Watermelon is really cooling and acts as a cold compress over the rashes while the juice helps to dry poison ivy rash.
22. Goldenseal
Form a paste of goldenseal in some apple cider vinegar or water. Apply this paste on the affected skin. Goldenseal is an effective home remedy to treat poison ivy or poison oak rashes.
23. Himalayan Crystal Salt
Mix some Himalayan crystal salt and water to form a paste. Apply it over the affected area in order to get relief from the itchiness. This remedy also dries out the blisters.
24. Pascalite Clay
Apply a paste of pascalite clay over the poison ivy rashes, and let it dry. Pascalite helps to draw the harmful toxins and fluids from the blisters while drying it out and eliminating the itchiness.
25. Bleach
Soak your body in a bath tub, containing ½ cup of bleach mixed with water. You can also mix a teaspoon of bleach in some water and apply it as a compress. Bleach works well on poison ivy, though it also has certain side effects.
26. Jewelweed
This is one of the best methods to get rid of the poison ivy fast. Cut a fresh stem of jewelweed plant and apply its sap on the poison ivy blister. Jewelweed contains chemicals that neutralize the effect of poison ivy, poison oak or sumac.
27. Colloidal Silver
Spray some colloidal silver on the blisters, surfaced on the skin due to poison ivy.
28. Turmeric
Make a paste of turmeric root powder with some rubbing alcohol or lemon juice. Apply this paste on the affected area. Turmeric has great anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties and will quickly give relief from the itching and burning sensation, caused due to the poison ivy.
29. Gasoline
Gasoline works in the same way as rubbing alcohol as it readily absorbs the urushiol from the skin. It also relieves from itching.

Homeopathic Remedies for Poison Ivy

To prevent the outbreak of poison ivy, you can take following homeopathic medicines.
1. Anacardium orientale : This remedy works best to cure the fluid-filled poison ivy rashes.
2. Belladonna : This remedy is useful on the sudden appearance of the rashes, especially when the blisters are bright red in colour and accompanied by a fever.
3. Apis : This is usually taken when the allergy appears as raised hives and bright pink in colour, along with a burning sensation.
4. Kali sulphuricum : This remedy is helpful when the rashes are filled with pus, along with itchiness.
5. Urtica urens : When there is rigorous burning and itching in the blisters, along with blotchiness, this remedy is useful.
6. Rhus toxicodendron : It is useful when there is a severe itching in the rashes.Other homeopathic remedies to treat poison ivy are sulphur, graphites and croton tiglium.

Preventive Measures for Poison Ivy

  • The foremost thing you need to do after getting into contact with poison ivy is to remove the clothes and wash them.
  • Wear full pants, and long sleeved shirts or tops if you are going out in the woods.
  • Learn to identify these types of plants.
  • Give your pets a bath after they have been exposed to plants, like poison ivy.
  • If you are going out for trekking or camping, keep rubbing alcohol with you, so that you can immediately use it in order to lessen its effect.
  • Apply some Stokogard outdoor cream on your exposed skin. This ointment forms a protective shield against urushiol.
  • Avoid going near a pile of the burning bush as it may contain poison ivy plants, the smoke of which can be inhaled by you, resulting in a serious lung infection with rashes all over your body.